Breath and Beyond – the TranceBreath™ experience
All healing happens in non-ordinary states of mind. We have to get out of consensus reality
in order to allow new possibilities, which our conscious, everyday mind will or cannot
otherwise accept. As long as we are in the ” I know”, no healing, magic, miracle or
transpersonal experience can happen.
Since millennium the breath has been used by ancient mystery schools to access nonordinary
states of consciousness for healing, union with creation and to commune with the
Divine. May it be through fasting, chanting for hours, vigorous meditation, rhythmic tribal
dances and drumming, drug or breath induced states, we have to transcend the “normal” to
allow the extraordinary. On entering a trance, the veil between the “known” and the “bigger
picture” suddenly becomes transparent and amazing insights, occurrences or healing
Trancebreath™ has its roots in the tradition of Holotropic Breathwork® a la Stan Grof.
Inducing non-ordinary states of mind by vigorous breathing in a space for transformation,
consisting of intense rhythmic music, unconditional acceptance and support of the
individual and the diverse healing processes each participant is going through in their 3-
hour journey.
To the accelerated connected breathing we have added elements of dance and movement,
specifically chosen tribal and trance music, as well as specifically guided breath techniques
leading the whole experience to another dimension.
The breath acts as bridge between the consciousness and the subconscious and allows
release of stress, memories & emotions held in your being, not usually accessible through
conventional talking therapies. The vigorous connected breathing increases the level of
oxygen and energy in your body to enable you to go beyond the known. The evocative
music takes you onto a shamanic journey of exploration and healing. Flying on the wings of
your inner healer you connect to all levels of your true being and leave behind what holds
you back.
Come and experience non-substance based consciousness expansion and healing - a true
shamanic journey. Induced by vigorous breathing, sonically driven and elevated by
evocative tribal music - you will embark on a great experience of letting go and
transformation. An experience you will never forget!
What is it
Pure consciousness expansion and healing of the soul without using mind-altering
substances. Heart opening and connection to the inner realms and the Divine, achieved
without drugs like Ecstasy or LSD. A natural trance state! A trip without a trip! Breath and
Beyond! Do you get the picture!?!
How does it work
We will provide you with an absolutely safe space for your experience and all the
information about the process you might require. First we dance and breathe, later we lie
down and breathe. Evocative rhythmic, tribal music and the accelerated breathing take you
onto a shamanic journey of exploration and healing. You will be carefully guided, monitored
and supported, so you are free to allow your consciousness to explore the full range of it’s
What will I experience
Inner movies, journeys might appear. Metamorphosing into an animal or plant becomes
possible. Easy access to the archetypal realms! You might travel into space or connect to
planetary or Divine consciousness. You could enter past life experiences or bliss realms.
Emotional release of accumulated stress or trauma happens easily and your heart opens.
Energy experiences throughout your body – pulsating, vibrating, flowing, in unison with the
universe. Visions of sacred geometry may flood your brain and deep, mystical insights
appear from nowhere. Refreshed and renewed you return from this inner journey. An
experience not to be missed!
We all know of the amazing healing power of the breath!
Now TranceBreath™ can take us even a step further.
If you
Enjoy to immerse yourself into rhythm and explore altered states of mind
Are interested in expanding consciousness beyond its everyday level
Love good tribal and trance music
Like to have more energy
Want to know more of who you are and be inspired from within
Want to experience a group supported natural trance experience
Want to release trapped emotions in a safe and supported environment
Want to have an adventurous day of Self-discovery and exploration
Then don’t miss this amazing experience!
Heinz Gerd Lange and Lera Lange