2024 programme

the first draft of our 2024 programme has arrived!


Welcoming UK-Based Practitioners in all forms of Breathwork. Take a look at who we welcome this summer.


Isabel Tew

  • Move into profound stillness through Power Yoga and Pranayama - ancient yogic breathwork.

    Movement then pranayama - this is the way of the ancient, the way of awakening, the way to find strength and peace in a chaotic world.

    We move with the breath, and let the breath move us. Start building strength, flexibility and vitality in the movements of yoga (lycra clothing not required). Cultivating a healthy and comfortable body enables the deep journey into the inner world. Next, we flow into the riches of yogic breathwork to clear the energetic field, cultivate a quiet mind and dissolve into powerful inner stillness.

    Through this practice, you might experience peaceful joy and profound meditative states. Practices will include Kapalabhati, Nadi Shodhana and Coherence breathing.

  • Isabel Tew is a yoga and breathwork instructor and life coach with over 15 years of experience. She teaches Yoga and Pranayama in London at Lumi Power Yoga and is the head of learning at Embody Evolution School of Breathwork. She has partnered with organizations such as the Martha Beck Institute, Atlantic Rowing teams, Vodafone, and other Fortune 500 companies, leading breathwork classes and workshops. Isabel has been featured in publications including YOGA Magazine and OM Yoga & Lifestyle.

    Isabel is the talented author and illustrator of Breath Cards™ - the ultimate card deck dedicated to breathwork, designed to make breathwork accessible, empowering and fun for everyone. While the 1st edition has sold out, a new edition published by Sounds True is coming. For more visit:


Tom Granger

  • Description comming soon

  • Tom Granger is a multi-award winning breathwork author who has travelled the world interviewing legendary Breathworkers and training in multiple styles and techniques. His innovative and irreverent approach to breathing has been praised by names as diverse as Dan Brulé, Donna Farhi, and James Nestor. Tom believes learning should always be fun, authentic and community-driven.

jonny bauer


    In this talk, Jonny Bauer -- a trained and experienced somatic trauma therapist and Breathe Festival regular -- will take you through activities and practices you can use to help you understand and actively handle your emotions better. Included in the session a live demo of somatic healing in action. Understanding our feelings and what they are asking of us, and having practical ways to navigate them, is a huge part of the wellbeing puzzle. Feelings are what life is all about, getting good at them is life-changing.

    It's Not Yours To Carry - Intergenerational Trauma and the way home

    We think our problems are ours. We think we are stuck because we haven't found the answer yet. But what if you don't want to solve your problems, because they are meaningful to your wider family system. What if what looks like a personal problem is actually a systemic solution. Jonny is a trauma therapist and trained Family Constellator, this will be a rich and meaningful talk with activities for you, as well as a chance to see one or two constellations in action.

  • Jonny Bauer

    I am a somatic psychotherapist with an interest in all ways of augmenting life and wellbeing by deepening present moment wisdom. I offer tools and ideas around living more deeply as yourself.




  • The work to liberate our bodies and spirits from the what society has told us to be, from patriarchy and colonialism is what we need in this moment.

    We have gifted wounds. We have gifted treasure. There have been cycles of neglect, abandonment and violence and yet we have been civilised out of feeling, we have been civilised out of remembering.

    We have learned how to suppress, how to stay quiet and how to numb. This disconnection and severing not only effects our ability to heal, but our ability to be fully show up in society.

    We have inherited a system of oppression, a system of supremacy culture.

    This breathwork is about the reclamation of space, the reclamation of life, the reclamation of freedom and inquire into our relationship to history, to our inherited oppressions, to our relationship with nature and the land and the gifted wounds inherited through intergenerational and historical trauma.

  • Hannah Kendaru is an Indonesian-British Breathwork Practitioner and Breathwork Trainer rooted in embodied social justice and decolonial healing.

    She uses embodied approaches to healing intergenerational, historical, institutional and personal trauma.

    She uses specific breathwork techniques, the conscious connected breath and embodiment to bring us back into the deep remembrance of what love, liberation and justice means. She uses the breath to remember our connection to the earth, to our lineages and ancestors; for decolonial healing and rewilding our civilised minds, bodies and spirits.

    She provides two pathways to work with me: breathwork therapy with 1:1 clients online and in-person and Breathwork Education.

    I am a Braethwork Facilitator Trainer on a course rooted in embodied social justice, indigenising and Embodied Decolonial Healing.

    Useful Links:




Katharina Kolibri

  • Based on AoB-Style, Conscious Connected Circular Breathing in a rhythmical way that is guided by counting beats including breath retentions. Breathing between 40 and 45 minutes (7 -8 tracks). Also combining breath with physical exercise (strong belly breath/fire breath) and yogic seats or stretching positions.

    The workshop is based on the yogic energy system. Starting from grounding root chakra up to brow or even crown chakra sensing and getting into the different energy qualities of the chakras and the natural elements while adapting personal input to the own physical and spiritual body maintaining the focus on the guided rhythmical pace. Participants should be experienced in applying Titration and Pendulation techniques. Music is crucial for the circular rhythmic style as well as for ambience. The genres are varying from Shamanic Beats, Deep House, Electro Pop (Resamples from 70s and 80s), Psychedelic to Classical Music.

    Intense journey through the chakras. Conscious Connected Breathing. Circular Rhythmical Breath. Grounding, playful, burning, opening, psychedelic and celestial experience. Work for wellbeing.

  • Dr. Martina Kunze, also known as Katharina Kolibri, mother of 2 girls, aged 13 and 15.

    Main job as lawyer and public notary in own office near Frankfurt, Germany. Being 30 years into fitness (Aerobic) and bodywork, later since 2010 yoga (hatha, kundalini, iyengar, tantra), Shakti dance instructor 2019 (300 h), yoga teacher 2020 (200 h), breathwork facilitator (psychedelic breath 2021, AoB, graduated in UK Breathcamp 2022 with Simona Dvorackova

    and Kerry Veitch) and sound healing (Diploma with Harmonic Sounds in Alicante, Spain, 2023). Self- studies in hermeticism, magic, mysticism, brain science, yoga, astrology. Starting projects in poetry and rap (German language), speaking, stage performance and playing the “cajón”. Professional training in the science of ground notes (Sonology, Nada Brahma, by Indian Master Vemu Mukunda) since 11/2023. Building a creative (retreat) center in the beautiful town of Ortenberg, Hesse for Workshops, Roundtable Discussions, Individual Talks, Performances, Artistic Acts and Stand-up Comedy.

gus hoyt

  • Breath is the missing element in every diet with Gus Hoyt (Talk)

    Talk on Functional Breathing and Physiology of Health / Digestion

    'Abs are built in the kitchen not the gym' is a line thrown around by PTs and Influencers everywhere, but what if it was even more simple than that? What if we actually held the key within our own body, with something we do over 20,000 times a day?

    Based on research for his book, Gus will share his findings and the connections he made between our breath and our digestion. It gets a bit complex, but also blindingly obvious once all the dots are joined together.

    Gus will take us through a journey of how we breathe, and how dysfunctional breathing can lead to a plethora of digestion issue - and how we can very easily fix them.

    Wim Hof Workshop with Gus (Ice Bath)

    So you've heard about Wim Hof - cold exposure coupled with the power of guided breathwork - see what all the hype's about for yourself?

    Whether you're suffering from chronic stress or insomnia, seeking the next big challenge in your life, or searching for an unusual but fun experience - then this workshop is for you. Bring along an inquisitive mind and be prepared to be wowed...

    This is a practical and experiential workshop will explore the Three Pillars of the Wim Hof Method: Breath, Mindset and Cold/Ice.

    Benefits of the Wim Hof Method include:

    Boosting your immune system Improving concentration

    Boosting your energy

    Improving your mental well-being

    Relieving stress

    Improving sleep

    More on your impressive host:

    Please note: This workshop is suitable for everyone but requires a basic level of health. Out of precaution, your host advises against participation during pregnancy, or if you're epileptic. People with cardiovascular issues or any other serious health conditions should always consult a medical professional before starting the Wim Hof Method.

    Minimum fitness level required.

  • Gus is a Level 2 trained Wim Hof Instructor, Advanced Oxygen Advantage Instructor and Conscious Breathwork Coach. He has been playing and experimenting with this practice and meditations for the past 20 years.

    Gus first became interested in the health benefits of breathwork, cold exposure and meditation as a free-diver off the Dorset coast – an activity that opened the door to a new world and perspective on life.

    Since then he has pursued many high-stress careers around the world first as a professional chef, then an internationally acclaimed environmental campaigner. He’s served as an elected city representative on the local, national and international stage and even spent a year working as a cowboy in the mountains of Colorado.

    Gus studied psychology and philosophy at University and advanced physiology as part of his Paramedic training in Colorado, which halted at the EMT level with his return back to the UK.

    Over the last five years he returned to his source and is now a professional breath, cold-exposure and confidence coach.

    Gus works with semi-professional athletes, those suffering from crippling anxiety as well as anyone wanting to dig deep within their psyche and become the best version of themselves, no matter what their persuasion.

    Instagram: @breathandice/


Jacqui Storm

  • Jacqui Storm will be representing AIR School of breathwork by holding a gentle but profound rebirthing session.

    Working with natural circular breathing in a relaxed and conscious manner takes you on a journey of self discovery. Your breath will lead and guide you into the hidden parts of your unconscious. The natural circular breath is safe and available for most of us. You will be guided into a state of relaxation and inner awareness, inducing a state of depth, bliss and clarity.

  • I love being a Breathworker in all forms and opportunities that come my way, 1-to-1 sessions, groups, workshops online and at festivals, and now teaching.

    I love working with the breath as it empowers and enables anyone to get in touch with a deeper aspect of themselves, their true nature and their connections to other people. I also feel that a very important aspect of this work is that it helps us to connect to Mother Nature.

    I am also a holistic back specialist. I’m accredited by Su Jok Acupuntcturis and I have a diploma in natural nutrition and yoga therapy. In my work I combine all schools, including Breathwork.

    I have also recently produced the ‘Ancient Futures’ area at Boomtown Festival, as I have a passion to work with young people.


Helen Bradley

  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful to share the power of Breathwork with children; for children to be able to regulate themselves as they navigate the many challenges that they face!


    Join Helen Bradley- Breathwork Practitioner and Primary Teacher, and Samanta Echo -Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist and Conscious Parenting Guide, for an interactive and engaging session where we will share with you the proven tools for Resilience used on the Pathways to Resilience Programme. Play games, breathe, move, massage, tap and share as if you were a child, parent or member of staff taking part in the programme.

    You will also hear about the work we do in schools, the incredible feedback we have received and our vision of how we want to roll the programme out nationwide.

    “I believe this is possibly the most important thing children / teens / adults might learn for their life. Please make it available to everyone! In my children and as an adult (myself and friends) anxiety and dysregulation has encountered us in various times, knowing how to deal with it is life-saving and life-confirming.” Parent, East Hampshire, November 2023

    Anyone interested in sharing Breathwork and tools for Resilience with children, whether in schools or with children in your family, will find this session insightful and inspiring. We hope to see you there.

    TOGETHER WE CAN empower children from all walks of life.

  • In 2019 I met Nicola Price of Inspirational Breathing; she placed her hands on my body and showed me how to breathe. Taking that first full diaphragmatic breath was one of the most transformational and liberating experiences I have ever had. Shortly after, I completed Nicola’s foundation course and that changed me forever. Having been a primary teacher for 18 years that week shone a light on a new path; I had found a new purpose and passion, and went on to complete the Graduate programme becoming a certified Breathwork Practitioner in 2021. Since then I have taken a deep dive into all things breath; avidly reading and researching as well as completing training with BreathWork Africa, becoming a practitioner in Reiki and Therapeutic Face Massage, and a Mental Health First Aider.

    I work with clients 1:1 and in groups and love sharing this wonderful work, guiding them through Functional breathing and Conscious Connected Breathwork techniques. As a teacher and a parent it struck me that it would be hugely beneficial if children were taught this effective and accessible tool to help them regulate and, in turn, become more resilient.

    In 2022, I met Samanta Echo, a Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist and Conscious Parenting Guide. With our shared passion for building resilience in children we created a CIC ‘Pathways to Resilience’. We now deliver programmes rooted in Breathwork to children aged 8 - 16 as well as workshops to parents and training days to school staff. We have secured government funding allowing us to reach more children in our area of Hampshire.

    Our aim is to deliver training to facilitators and volunteers with a vision to roll out the programme nationwide. What better way to spread the word than at a festival full of Breathworkers!


Jax Bull

  • Your gift to their future: Together we can create the best possible future for all of life.

    This workshop is a profound exploration into what it is to be a Good Ancestor and what the Best Possible future could look like for us all.

    Using expressive movement we will travel to the future to meet our descendants, who will share with us the gifts that they have inherited from us. We will celebrate what we did and who we are that made their best possible future possible.

    Those gifts will then be brought back to the present and through the living ceremony that is our breath, we will breathe into the truth of all that you learned from the dance.

    We will be using a gentle, conscious connected breath from the rebirthing tradition.

    This workshop is based on the Deep Time work of Joanna Macy and Susannah Darling Kahn of Movement medicine, this workshop reminds us that what we do today impacts those that come after us. It reminds us that if we turn towards the breath, a life-sustaining society will last for generations to come. It encourages us to think beyond immediate concerns and consider the long-term consequences of our actions.

    This workshop is one of remembering that our innate essence is a gift to the future.

  • I’m Jax, a Counsellor, Guide, Breathwork and Chakra dancing facilitator, Creator of everyday magical ceremony and mother. My work moves people from stuck patterns, fear and anxiety to serenity and peace by guiding them back to themselves.

    My most profound realisation in the last few years has been the living ceremony that is always happening within our bodies, our breath.

    I facilitate a conscious, connected breath from the rebirthing tradition.

    Your breath is a loving gateway to you gently experiencing all that you are, enabling you to heal and integrate trauma, so that you can remember your magnificence.

    Having worked for many years as a Counsellor I continue to be amazed at the speed of transformation in my clients when they combine the power of the breath with traditional counselling.

    If you are ready - to change, move through stuck patterns, heal and integrate trauma or just to create more peace and serenity. Then I’m looking forward to walking alongside you.

    I offer 121s and groups both online and in person.

    Find out more at


Anna Blackman

  • The Pulmonauts workshop is designed to demystify breathwork and empower you with five simple yet transformative breathwork techniques, which can be applied to your every day - either as a regular practice or to help you prepare for or manage specific situations.

    The workshop will give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to carry with you at all times as a simple breath toolkit, which you can reach into and within minutes influence your nervous systems to gain what you need, whether it may be:

    - More energy and focus, maybe before an important meeting or when you wake up

    - A high state of alertness & fire in body and mind, perhaps before physical exercise

    - A sense of peace and balance, when feeling out of synch or overwhelm

    - Deep relaxation and the ability to switch off, perhaps before bed

    - Calmness in the face of anxiety or worry

    - A deeper sense of connection with your body

    - To shift a feeling of stuckness

    The workshop will:

    - Share the importance of full diaphragmatic breathing

    - Explore your breath as your no.1 accessible go-to for self-regulation of your feelings and nervous system

    - Guide you through the practice of 5 remarkable yet simple breathwork techniques, rooted in ancient pranayama

    - Share insights into the science and physiology of breathwork

    - Share a simple take-away resource on the five breath practices (if appropriate)

    - Finish with deep relaxation

    Breath is life, the thread between body and consciousness and it is our human life force. It happens for us automatically whether we are conscious of it or not. It is the most accessible wellness tool for every-body. In choosing to be conscious of our breath and how we are breathing we open a gateway to new possibilities of health, vitality and the power to have greater navigational control in our lives.

    Regular practice will lead you to a deeper relationship with yourself and the natural life force within and all around us. Knowing when to apply which breath in specific situations will bring you confidence, resilience and calm in your everyday, giving you a new level of self-regulation and control.

  • Anna is the founder of anâhata coaching through which she offers transformational life, leadership and mind-body coaching packages, programmes and events. Her emphasis is on creating and holding space for deep self-exploration and connection to self, other and the natural world, enabling people to discover deep presence and purpose in the world.

    Anna has trained in a wide range of coaching skills (accredited by the International Coaching Federation) and is a teacher and coach of ashtanga yoga, yin yoga, pranayama (breathwork) and natural lifestyle and movement. In all her work she coaches the whole person with an emphasis on holistic mind-body connection and embodiment.

    Anna previously spent twenty years working in international development and social enterprise before experiencing a deep quantum shift and awakening. She navigated often stormy, unchartered waters through deepening her learning and immersion in self- development, self-care and spiritual practices. She is now dedicated to sharing the tools, practices and awareness that have helped her so much in daily life and continue to lead her to deeper abundance, joy, gratitude and alignment. Anna lives in Bristol with her husband and twin son and daughter, travelling as often as possible to the ocean and wide open nature.

    www.anahatacoaching.co.uk Instagram: @annaeblackman

Natasha De Grunwald

  • Come and open yourself to the power of the breath and its ability to bring you pleasure and creativity. You will access the wisdom of your body in its entirety and find the ON switch for your juicy flow state at will.

    Using your breath intentionally with powerful visualisation and somatic movement has the capacity to activate sensations of BLISS throughout your entire system. These sensations range from seismic and orgasmic to subtle and sublime.

    Whilst you use the breath to regulate your nervous system, you create a state of deep self-connection and have the opportunity to focus on the transformative Eros energy which has often been suppressed, shamed, hidden or lost.

    Eros energy is your basic life-force which arises from the pelvis and core of your body. This energy can be erotic but in essence it is a long forgotten power that gives you vitality.

    Natasha will weave a fire breath with conscious connected breathing and visualisations to connect you to your fullest expression of the breath and your sacred divinity taking you on a journey through your glorious pleasure body.

  • Natasha de Grunwald is a published author, international Breathwork, Trauma and Somatic expert. She is the founder of the Toxic Release Method and Seismic Orgasmic Breath experience.

    Based in London and Brighton she travels internationally to facilitate Breathwork events and to teach healing methods for mind, body and soul.

    As a powerful speaker and advocate for trauma and Somatic healing she runs events, workshops and retreats along with 1:1 client work.

    With 4 decades of experience as a leader practising and teaching holistic and complementary therapies, her passion and expertise centres around Breathwork, nervous system regulation, trauma healing, Somatic modalities, inner child and shadow work, myofascial touch, ancient healing practices, nutrition and powerful coaching.


    Instagram: @natasha.degrunwald

Mark Conrad

  • Description coming soon

Cate Dunne

  • Research shows that people feel more trusting, empathic and closer following a deep gaze. “We think silence between people means nothing is happening, when something profound is happening: PRESENCE”

    The mother / newborn gaze can be an example of the divine love energy that began with our first gaze. Eye gazing is a reflection of this divine energy.

    Gazing into the eyes of another, without words for 60 minutes can be a profoundly powerful way to connect and understand yourself, transporting yourself into a deeper state of consciousness.

    Come and experience this wordless communication…

  • Cate is an Accredited counsellor/psychotherapist with the BACP, equine facilitated psychotherapist and a clinical supervisor. One of Cate's interests in rebirthing breathwork is how it relates to body/muscle trauma memory and the role of the breath in safely facilitating release.

Ruth John

  • Joyful Breath & Sound

    Join Ruth John, on a journey of conscious connected breathwork, with sound therapy, themed around drawing in joy! Ruth will prompt you with compassion, to notice and expand the light within. Beautifully reconnecting you to your unique and powerful inner resource and wisdom. This will be an uplifting and grounding experience.

  • Ruth John is the Founder of Reset Well-being and the proud owner of The Reset Well-being Hub. A down to earth, holistic therapist based in Barry South Wales, offering trauma informed, accredited holistic training qualifications, online and in person well-being sessions for groups, individuals and corporates. Ruth has been shortlisted for three ‘Best of Well-being in Wales’ Awards and is making a huge and positive impact on well-being at grass-roots.


    Instagram: @reset_with_ruth


Gabriela Blandy

  • Chakra Yoga

    This morning class begins with pranayama breathing techniques to open our connection to specific chakras. We then explore healing movement to reawaken our energy centres. Through the class, we also explore the use of affirmations in order to bring about healing, as well as revitalising static postures.

    The session offers opportunities to balance our chakras, enabling our true level of energy to flow, as well as heal chakra wounds such as guilt, fear and inactivity. Each class begins with grounding and flow practices for the first and second chakras, and over the course of the four mornings we will also explore one or two other chakras in sequence, i.e. first, second, third; first, second, fourth; first, second, fifth; first, second, sixth & seventh.

    Together we can find our ground, tune into our flow, feel our power amid the presence of others and shine collectively.

    Write, Breathe, Feel

    This workshop offers a combination of breathing practices, curated journaling prompts and guided visualisations, providing the ideal experience for healing and integration. These beautiful modalities enable participants to melt tension, release negative patterns, heal emotional wounds, and receive insight.

    The session starts with a gentle breathing practice to generate calm and focus. This enables participants to shed ‘mental armour’ and move into a creative state. At this point, participants are guided through a series of journal prompts designed to reorder scattered thinking. Each prompt is curated to bring about clarity and healing around a certain situation and provide a powerful experience of being centred around love and truth. Finally, participants can enjoy a guided visualisation to integrate their experiences, followed by a final round of journaling.

    Together we can find the freedom to live and express ourselves according to our authentic nature.

    Please note that participants will be required to bring a notebook and pen for this session.

  • I currently work as a trauma-informed breathwork facilitator, chakra yoga teacher, life coach and NLP practitioner, running Write, Breathe, Feel workshops both in person and online, as well as working one-to-one with creative souls, writers and practitioners who want to live a free, expressive life that’s aligned with their true self.

    I’ve completed the Integrative Breath facilitator training and have over 200 hours experience with Rise and Shine Yoga, including Yin Yoga, Chakra Yin, and Goddess flow. I’m an accredited Life Coach and NLP practitioner and after earning a Distinction in Creative Writing Master’s spent six years as the Assistant Director of the notable John Osbourne writing retreat in Shropshire.

    I won the Royal Society of Literature V S Pritchett award in 2007, an honourable mention in the Asham Award in 2011 and second place in the Plaza Memoir prize for my unpublished memoir Twelve Reasons to be Yourself in 2023. My work has been published in Virago’s ghostly collection Something Was There, and I’ve also written for London Magazine, Fish Anthology, Mechanics Institute Review, and various online journals.

    I have lectured on numerous subjects, including public speaking, creativity, voice, and overcoming the inner critic, for Creative Writing programs at UEA, Oxford, Birkbeck and City University, among others.

    I write a regular blog on Substack called Wild Muse that explores how we can deepen our relationship with nature to receive wisdom and guidance, and the ways in which the natural world can offer healing.

Steph Magenta

  • For the Breathe Festival this year, Steph Magenta will take you on a shamanic ceremonial breathwork experience, using her own music produced by Medicine Musician and Sound Engineer, Charlie Roscoe.

    When we think of ourselves in terms of the 'hive mind', taking our example from the ways that bees, ants and many other species work, we are stronger!

    Working with the theme this year ‘Together We Can’ - Steph will first explore our connection to our inner landscapes (interoception), then shifting towards our connection to the greater community (exteroception) as a fundamental aspect of our healing work. Healing is not meant to be done in isolation, though integration can be.

    We will start this workshop by using some gentle movement (all bodies and abilities welcome) and sound, used in order to open up the pathways to authentic expression. We will take this opening into our practice to explore our greater potential for integral ways of living and being.

    Note: Prepare for an immersive experience. We will be using drums and rattles alongside the music in this session as a way to shift and move energy with intention.

  • Steph Magenta is a breathwork facilitator and teacher, shamanic practitioner and advanced Oxygen Advantage Facilitator. She is the founder of Seven Directions® Breathwork Training Program, certified by the GPBA (Global Professional Breathwork Alliance). She is a Shift Network Summit Host and Faculty member.

    Steph places great importance on the integration aspect of any somatic practices which have the potential to elicit significant change or breakthrough for the person experiencing the work. Her background in substance misuse and addiction research led her to over three decades of work in health and wellbeing, from running her own juice bars and plant based cafes to establishing healing centres and the creation of own breathwork training programs. She is passionate about healing through a ‘bottom-up’ embodied somatic route, which informs her grounded, heart centred and trauma aware approach to the practice of breathwork.

    She is a double award nominated advocate of sexual freedom and agency, and has trained in Dr Betty Martin's Wheel of Consent.)

    On a personal level, Steph has worked extensively with plant medicines, embodiment therapies and talk therapies to change her life, and having transformed her own suffering into her superpowers, she is now happy to take her place as a wise elder in her communities.

    She is an advocate of cold exposure & heat therapy, clean eating/detox protocols, sleep hygiene, core strength training, breath awareness, TRE (tension and trauma release practice) and nervous system regulation as multiple routes to sustaining ongoing health and wellness.

    Find Steph:




    Email: stephmagentabreathwork@gmail.com

Kerry Veitch

  • Warm Water Rebirthing

    Is your birth still affecting you today?

    Explore the journey of birth in a safe and nurturing space through the transformational power of conscious connected breathing.

    There is something we all have in common – we have all been born into this world, and what a miracle that is! Just as a seed contains the blueprint for the life of a plant, the creation story of a human has a profound influence on our life. There is a biological matrix of emotional, physical and energetic imprints and patterns that can often be traced back to your emergence into this world and even before this moment. Some patterns we are healing are often intergenerational, stretching back to before we were born.

    But most of us have not considered our birth much, even though it was probably the most significant moment in our life so far! Understanding your birth can reveal a whole lot about us as well as providing a great framework for releasing old patterns, healing and personal growth.

    In this workshop we will share what we know of our own birth stories; gain insights into common birth experiences that determine how we see ourselves and others; see how past unconscious impressions are still affecting every area of our lives……. as we bring ourselves into the rebirthing energy field and breathe with the intention of taking ourselves to our first breath……

    SIGN UP ONLY - limited spaces available. Please email me.

    Breath & Bass with Alex

    Join us for a unique experience, where two inspiring creatives combine their passions in life, Breath & Bass. Together, we'll be exploring Conscious Connected Breathwork with live music produced intentionally to combine healing tones with deep bass. We’re taking you on a journey to tap into an altered state of consciousness that can be incredibly profound, healing and bring a deep sense of connection to yourself and to others.

  • Kerry has been connected with Rebirthing and conscious connected breathing since 1993, with a focus now on embodiment practices such as Internal Family Systems and Eugene Gendlin's Focusing. Kerry has a trauma informed approach, and is a trainer with two breathwork schools , AIR School of Breathwork and Alchemy of Breath. She loves sharing the healing power of the breath with others, by holding warm water rebirthing retreats, weekly groups and 1:1 sessions.

    Kerry also co-founded and is the festival director of the UK's first Breathwork Festival which is an annual event celebrating all kinds of breathwork and is a practitioner member of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance, GPBA. Kerry’s very grounded nature holds a very safe space for breather(s), holding them in their highest potential and being committed to the unfolding of each person’s own journey which of course is guided perfectly by our breath.


    07788 573 199


    Instagram: @sacred.breath

    Facebook: @thesacredbreath

Teodora Pile

  • Find your Parts through Breath

    Together we bring Regulation.

    “We come into the world wired for connection.” Deb Dana

    Our biological need for connection is always there with us, with each breath we take. Our nervous system is also always looking and longing for safety. Safety is not something we can mindset out way into. Safety is something we co-create internally, in our environment and with others. Safety is a body knowing of ok-ness.

    In this workshop, I invite you to come on an exploration into how we can co-create safety together and also within ourselves. We will explore with curiosity and gentleness somatic practices to guide you to feel more at home in your body, environment and with others, as they are always interconnected.

    Through our understanding of our nervous system and physiology, we can hear the call of Safety and Connection.

    In the time together we will explore with compassion and somatically:

    - What are your autonomic responses

    - What safety and danger feel like in your body

    - Exploring pleasant sensations of safety

    - How to use self-touch to create internal safety

    - Expand your capacity for goodness and safety

    - How to follow your impulses for choosing what’s needed in moment to moment exploration.

    - Building trust in your body.

    In this workshop, my intention for us is to find out what safety feels in our body and how we can move from patterns of protections into expansion of connection.

    Embodied safety through the Nervous system and Trauma Repair

  • Empowering women to transform the impact of trauma into strength and resilience, Teodora Pile is a somatic trauma coach and mind-body specialist dedicated to guiding individuals towards a path of healing and self-discovery. Through an unique approach of integrating trauma resolution tools, nervous system regulation, and embodied consciousness, she supports clients unlocking from the negative patterns of anxiety, pain, and fatigue, and fostering a sense of authenticity and connection to self.

    ‘‘I have seen and learned from their own experience that the experiences of the past do not remain in the past (until we see them and integrate them in a healthy way) and that it is possible to remain connected to our body when the emotions become too overwhelming.

    I believe this is possible for you too: to create a safer relationship with yourself, and to learn to process and integrate emotions. Because, the more you express what you really want, the more you become aligned to your values and your authentic Self that is there, underneath the layers of stress and trauma, waiting to emerge.

    I want to be here and for you to facilitate your journey back to your authenticity. ‘‘


    Instagram: @teodorapile

Matthew Brown

  • Description comming soon

Pom Tutt

  • Silent Resonance is a system where we use breath, music and human connection to release stuck, heavy energies from the body to create freedom and liberation within.

    During the breathwork you will receive energetic healing and body work to allow the body to shift and move so that you may find harmony within.

    Immerse yourself in the power of breath and explore the depths of your being. Throughout this experience, you will tap into your inner wisdom and release any stagnant energy. This transformative practice will help you find clarity, release stress, and unlock your true potential.

    During this immersive experience, you will be guided by Pom Tutt who will create a safe and supportive space for your journey. The atmosphere will be serene and peaceful, allowing you to fully surrender and embrace the healing power of breath.

    Whether you are new to breathwork or have previous experience, this event is open to all. No prior knowledge or skills are required. Just come with an open mind, an open heart and a willingness to connect and explore.

    Join me on this deep journey within working with the power of our Breath to access altered states of consciousness and dive deep into your breath and discover the silent resonance within you.

    You may experience healing and integration of your physical and emotional bodies, creating space within the nervous system to remember who we truly are as whole beings.

    As we breathe in a connected way, we come into our own rhythm, we access our bodies own innate healing power. Our body remembers what our mind forgets. Our body holds on to past memories, emotions and trauma. When we breathe deep and connected we give ourselves permission to release these suppressed energies from our body, we are able to let go and dissolve all that is no longer ours to hold any more.

    And when we do so, we create spaciousness and freedom from within.

    This is a personal healing journey.

  • In the wake of personal tragedy following the sudden loss of my father, I embarked on a transformative journey that would not only redefine my own path but also ignite a passion to facilitate healing in others. The profound impact of that loss, marked by an initial inability to feel, propelled me deeper into the realms of breathwork and somatics as therapy. It became a journey back to feeling, a journey to reclaim the connection with my body and, ultimately, with my true self.

    With a career that spans over two decades, my holistic approach to love, life, health and business has gained me a reputation as the go to coach for souls and seekers to dissolve the inner blocks that keep them stuck in stress, anxiety and depression to ease, presence and authentic self expression.

    As a sought-after breathwork therapist and somatic coach, I have dedicated this phase of my life and career to helping individuals navigate their own paths to healing. My approach is deeply rooted in the belief that within every person lies an innate ability to self-regulate their nervous system and heal from the traumas that tether them to the past. Through my work, I aim to unlock this potential, guiding clients to release unexpressed emotions and energies that hold them back and embrace the fullness of life.

    My methods are grounded in a holistic understanding of the human experience, blending ancient practices with modern psychological and scientific insights. By fostering a safe and nurturing environment, I facilitate deep, transformative experiences that enable individuals to access and process underlying emotions, ultimately leading them toward profound personal growth and liberation from trauma.

    The journey that began in the aftermath of my father's death has evolved into a life's mission: to empower others to find their way back to themselves, just as I did. Through breathwork and somatic practices, I witness the remarkable resilience of the human spirit and the capacity for renewal. It is an honour to accompany my clients on their journeys, offering tools and support as they uncover the strength and wisdom that lie within.

    In this sacred space of healing and discovery, we journey together towards greater self-awareness, peace, and fulfilment. My commitment is to continue exploring the depths of human potential, always learning, growing, and expanding the ways in which I can contribute to the healing of others. This is not just my profession; it is my calling, my heart's work, and the legacy I aspire to build in memory of my father.

    Instagram: @pomtutt

Natalie Vallely and Nigel Meadows

  • Inner Sense offers a transformative and immersive two-hour experience that integrates movement, breath, sound, and sensory exploration. We start by inviting you to slow down and establish a connection with your body, acknowledging and releasing any tensions present. Through embodied, intuitive movement, our guidance helps you attune your senses to the language of your body, shifting your focus away from the mind and into a deeper sense of self-awareness.

    This leads into a one-hour Conscious Connected Breathwork Journey, accompanied by the resonant vibrations of gongs, instruments, and crystal bowls. These powerful tools stimulate energy flow, facilitate release, and foster connection within you. With the comforting sounds and soothing scents that follow, we aim to support you in fully relaxing and grounding yourself at the end of the journey.

    The essence of "we are stronger together" reflects the healing power of community. When we gather on the mat and breathe as one, we tap into the core of our shared humanity. Recognising that each individual's unique journey adds richness and wisdom to the collective tapestry, we honour and witness each other's paths. This intention will guide our facilitation, using words to guidance throughout the journey to deepen our connection to the collective and receive the richness our shared wisdom offers and witness the medicine that forms from this collective connection.

  • Nigel and Nat, both graduates of the School of Integrative Breath, united in their quest to transcend the mind's confines and access the limitless inner wisdom of human potential. Inner Sense, born from their creativity, fosters a space where individuals can break free from mental constraints. Through a harmonious synergy of Nigel’s experience as a Sound Therapist and Nat’s affinity with energy as a Reiki Master, they synergise their skills through a journey of movement, sound, energy, and breath. Inner Sense warmly invites you to be embark on an inner journey, fostering a deep connecting with self and embracing inner wisdom.

    Instagram: @nigel_meadows/

    Instagram: @breath.works_withnat/


Emma Money-Kyrle

  • I would like to offer morning Qigong sessions to start the day at the festival outside in the fresh air. Offering a space for us to come together to be barefoot on the earth, held in the support, wisdom and beauty of the tree circle.

    Qi Gong is a form of breath-work, designed to balance our nervous systems. Qi can be translated as the breath and Gong means to work. The foundation of Qi Gong breathing is shun hu xi or “natural respiration” which translates as “free flowing, going with natures current.” In this morning practice we will slow down together, and come in to alignment with our-selves and our-cells, our bodies and our breath. From this place of ease and openness we can step into a deeper connection with the world around us, with the soil beneath our feet, the breeze on our skin, the sounds of bird song. Where we can begin to recognise, to feel, to smell our essential nature of inter-beingness intimately connected to all of life.

    I will guide mostly in silence allowing the brain to relax and the body to just follow. When our left brain is switched off there is more space for the unknown to be present allowing us to make a shift out of our ordinary awareness into a deeper place of connection and presence. Connecting to the Tao, the universe, the source, to the NOW moment and everything within it.

    Abundant, universal, healing qi.

    It is yours.

  • I have been practicing Qigong for over 17 years, it has been a huge part of my journey of self discovery, gently guiding me in the power of the breath, movement and presence.

    My practice has lead me to explore energy healing for both myself and for others through bodywork and now breathwork. Qigong is my foundation practice a place I always come back to a gift I would like to share with others.

    My teaching is greatly inspired by the earth energies that surround us, our connection to heaven and earth and all the elements of life..


    Instagram: @emma.sunhouse

Pat Divilly

  • Parts Work Workshop- Knowing And Loving Our Parts

    This two hour session will combine a practical workshop and breathwork journey to get to know and understand our different parts. Growing up we all took on messages on who we needed to be in this world to win and maintain love, acceptance and approval.

    We learnt to hide certain parts of ourselves in the shadows and learnt to push forward other parts of ourselves that kept us safe.

    When we feel stuck or frustrated in life, playing out old patterns, it might seem a natural response to want to get rid of or push away those parts that seem to hold us back.

    In this workshop we’ll instead lean toward, acknowledge and find appreciation for these protective parts. Expect a practical and dynamic session with plenty of interaction and space for curiosity and exploration.

    Men’s Circle- A Gathering Of Men

    This circle will offer an opportunity to come and connect with other men in a safe and supportive environment. We’ll offer space to pause, reflect and lean into connection with self and others using the map of the male archetypes- king, warrior, magician and lover. In exploring this map we’ll have a chance to examine our relationship to- being, doing, thinking and feeling.

  • Pat Divilly is a breathworker, coach and bestselling author with fifteen years of experience in the wellness industry.

    After beginning his career in the fitness industry and earning an MSc in Exercise and Nutrition Science Pat grew his physical fitness business from five clients on his local beach to twenty thousand clients globally over a four year period.

    Seeing the challenges his clients were having with self sabotage, low confidence and addictions he moved his attention to mental and emotional wellness and has led seminars, workshops and retreats in these areas over the last eight years.

    Pat is an experienced meditation and breathwork facilitator, a TRE provider (Trauma Release Exercises Facilitator) and a trauma informed coach for individuals and organizations. He is also the host of the popular 'Pat Divilly Podcast' and the number 1 bestselling author of 'Fit Mind'.



    Instagtam: @patdivilly


tim snell

  • Create your future, here and now (Soma Breath)

    This workshop will invite you to explore your deepest intentions, and any resistance you may have to manifesting them in the the world. The workshop includes body awareness, energetic release and the magic of SOMA

    Breathe to create a deeply immersive experience. It will help you connect breath to body, feelings and emotions in a way that enables self-awareness, understanding and acceptance as the precursors to creating positive change. This is a combined workshop and breathwork session and include an uplifting SOMA Breath session to leave you uplifted, energised and feeling excited for the future.

    Breathe lightness and joy into your day

    Awaken your heart centre to gently release heaviness and welcome lightness in this entrancing moving meditation that synchronises breath, music and gentle flowing movement.

    Through a sequence of very simple movements set to music, this active yet gentle meditation technique stimulates the heart chakra and has a cleansing effect on the whole body. Pent up feelings can dissolve and lightheartedness, joy and present awareness may be welcomed in.

    By the end of the session, a state of deep relaxation and receptivity opens you to all the possibilities of the day ahead.

    The session includes 30 minutes of gentle flowing, breath-aligned movements and 15 minutes of intentional silent meditation.

  • Tim is a SOMA Breath Master Instructor, a certified leadership and life coach, and energy worker. Over the past 20 years Tim has balanced a corporate job with an enduring journey of personal development and self-healing which saw him traveling across the world to learn from Shamans, Guides and Wisdom Keepers.

    In his quest for self-discovery, inner freedom and answers about his left-ear deafness, Tim trained as a yoga teacher, learned natural wisdom, Reiki, Diamond Light Activations, Akashic Records and breathwork which is fundamental to every other healing modality he learned.

    His sessions combine elements of natural wisdom, guided breathwork journeying, hypnotic music and intention setting that supports release along with a deeper connection to oneself.

    During Tim’s sessions, people may experience deep emotional releases, or have ecstatic and elevated experiences. Tim’s wisdom and guidance enables people to integrate through ‘grounding’, a conscious connection to the physical body and group connection at the conclusion of his sessions.

    His coaching expertise and wise repertoire of skills helps individuals find their own answers in their search for their truth.


    Instagram: @timrsnell

    Facebook: @tim.r.snell

Rebecca Dennis

  • Discover the transformative power of gentle somatic breathwork with Rebecca Dennis, the visionary behind Breathing Tree. In her unique approach, Rebecca offers a gentle yet profound journey that reconnects you to the innate language of your nervous system and breath, guiding you back to the sacred temple of your body and whole being.

    Through the practice of presence and breath awareness, we embark on a grounded exploration of our sensations, emotions, and responses. But first and foremost, we prioritise regulation and safety, creating a nurturing container that allows for slow and steady integration. By learning to use the breath as an anchor, you cultivate a safe and stable space within yourself.

    When we find ourselves firmly anchored in our body, mind, and soul, we experience a profound sense of safety and support. This enables us to venture forth without drifting or becoming overwhelmed. By regulating our nervous system, we establish a foundation of stability, providing us with enough flexibility to adapt to the ever-changing winds of life’s stories.

    While emotional release is undoubtedly healing, true healing occurs not through forceful pushing, but rather through creating a safe and trusting environment. It takes time, sometimes years, to access the deep pockets of our subconscious where unresolved wounds and stories may reside. Not every part of us is ready for healing, and it is essential to honour the innate intelligence of our body and the healing process. After all, the subconscious body has faithfully protected us throughout our entire life. Anchored in safety, we can gently surrender, explore, and integrate our own unique healing journey.

    Each of us has encountered mental, emotional, or physical traumas to varying degrees, and these experiences can constrict our breath and limit our capacity for full embodiment. The resulting armour and tension can persist and manifest in our bodies and minds over time. Trauma leaves an imprint on our physiology and psychology, affecting our brain, muscles, fascia, and nervous system etc. It can create a profound sense of disconnection and discomfort.

    In this healing space with Rebecca and her team, we delve deep into the wisdom held within our subconscious body. We softly listen to the stories it carries, making small and possibly big breakthroughs and beginning to make peace with all aspects of ourselves. Along this healing journey, we discover invaluable tools and supportive guidance to continue the journey of self-discovery and transformation.

  • Rebecca Dennis, author, international breathwork and body therapist and workshop leader is the founder of www.breathingtree.co.uk.

    Based out of London and also travelling and teaching internationally as an expert in Breathwork and body-based therapies. She facilitates workshops, events and retreats alongside her public speaking and in person work and will be opening her Breathing Tree Training School in January 2025. A public speaker and coach, her expertise and passion centres around breathwork, trauma therapy work, somatic healing and nervous system regulation. Rebecca fervently believes that embodied breathwork is the ultimate key to our well-being, health and inner peace.

    Rebecca has been practicing holistic and alternative therapies for over 20 years and holds a Diploma in Anatomy & an ITEC Diploma in Swedish and Sports Massage. She has trained to co-trainer level with Founder of Transformational Breath, Judith Kravitz as well as Donna Fahri, Max Strom and other masters and influential teachers of breathwork, bodywork, and other healing modalities. Rebecca has written three books, her latest books Let It Go and Breathe – A Practical Guide To Breathwork were featured in Amazon and Sunday Times Best Sellers.

    On her journey with holistic practices, she also has qualified in coaching, deep tissue massage, trauma therapy, acupressure, somatic bodywork, mindfulness, reiki, shiatsu and shamanic healing traditions from indigenous tribes and elders.

    She is continually learning and inspired by the simple power of our breath and how it can change lives including her own. Rebecca is on a mission to teach as many people as possible how to empower their lives and improve their physical and mental wellbeing with conscious breathing techniques and somatic bodywork.

Dr Nicola Stoke

Lucy Spragge

  • Breath is a powerful tool we can harness to regulate the nervous system, release stress and tension in the body, and enter a deep state of calm and presence. When we combine breath and posture it allows us to quiet our minds and open our hearts, expanding our energetic field, and accepting ourselves completely as we are. Some breaths will be energetic, some incredibly soft and gentle. Both will allow us to experience complete stillness.

    Working with the science of these divine ancient practices, can significantly reduce anxiety, depression, and addictive behaviours, creating a profound sense of balance within the self. There is an ever-expanding body of research that supports the benefits of yoga, breathwork and meditation in improving and maintaining overall mental and physical health.

    One of the many beautiful aspects of working with yoga and the breath is that they gift us the ability to ‘self-regulate’: the state of presence we experience, removes the need to reach outside ourselves for something to soothe us. The art of these classes is to discover that you can change how you feel. Our feelings are not in our head, but in our bodies. We have autonomy, and yoga and breath can change our physical and emotional state, our hormonal flow, and ultimately how we feel and experience ourselves. Breathwork and kundalini global have personally created profound shifts and have been instrumental in my own recovery.

    These classes are music led and end with the sound of the Crystal bowls which helps to bring us into a deeper state of relaxation and soothe our bodies .

  • Hello

    I'm Lucy, I live in Bristol. I teach weekly breath and yoga classes. I hold regular workshops at the Mount Without, a sacred space which is over 900 years old. As well as a monthly immersion in transformational breathwork and Kundalini Global, called Breath- Led - Tuesdays, for about 40 people.

    I'm passionate about my work and I'm fascinated by the altered states we can take ourselves to with breath and stretch.

    In 2018, after completing training in Mastering the Addictive Personality, I became sober, I now teach breath led workshops in The Anxious and Addictive Mind, as well as regular workshops.


    Instagram: @lucy_spragge

Alex Harper Nunes

  • Ecstatic Dance

    Breath & Bass with Alex

    Join us for a unique experience, where two inspiring creatives combine their passions in life, Breath & Bass. Together, we'll be exploring Conscious Connected Breathwork with live music produced intentionally to combine healing tones with deep bass. We’re taking you on a journey to tap into an altered state of consciousness that can be incredibly profound, healing and bring a deep sense of connection to yourself and to others.

  • Alex 3:33 profesional producer and DJ has a long standing career in the music industry. He has toured the world, worked with A-list international artists and released chart topping music on top-tier record labels.

    Fuelled by a spiritual awakening and a call to channel his energy into helping other souls heal and ascend. It Is through this calling he embarked on his breath work journey to birth Breathe and Bass with Kerry Veitch.
